At Cherry Fold Community Primary School, we aim to instil the joy of learning within our children and to equip them with the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to become lifelong learners to enable them to achieve their full potential. We firmly believe that every child has the right to receive a high-quality education, irrespective of SEND, and we constantly strive to raise achievement and close the gap for all children and those identified with specific needs.
- Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy
- SEN and Disability Information Report
- Local Offer
- Accessibility Policy
- Nurture Policy
- EHCP Parent Information Leaflet
Burnley Tay Street Family Hub:-
New Era Enterprises:-
For SEND enquiries please contact:
Miss S Bowery
Our Inclusion Room is open daily at lunchtimes for all our children in school to access. We also use this as a quiet, safe space for children to talk about their feeling and emotions.
Please see below for our policies regarding SEND & Inclusion and our local offer.