Cherry Fold Community Primary School

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Cherry Fold Community Primary School, Cog Lane, Burnley, Lancashire BB11 5JS


Cherry Fold Community Primary School

Enjoy, Respect, Succeed

  1. Learning
  2. Classes
  3. 6B - The Scarecrows

Welcome to Year 6B (The Scarecrows)

 Enjoy Respect Succeed

“The minimum requirement is maximum effort!”


Hello and welcome to the Year 6B class page! My name is Miss Byers and I am teacher for the Scarecrow class. Miss Holt also teaches our class every Friday. Mrs Armitage is our Learning Support Assistant that works in our classroom every day, as well as Miss Holt  who helps to support us with our English, mathematics and reading every morning. In class, we are learning to enjoy, respect and succeed in all the work we do! We are going to be learning about lots of exciting things this half term.

 In English, we are studying the novel, 'The Nowhere Emporium'. During guided reading sessions, we are studying the novel, 'Oliver Twist' reflecting on life in the workhouses during Victorian times in addition to other elements of the story. In mathematics this half term, we will be learning a range of different skills, including: place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division as well as fractions.  

During their time in Year 6, the children will be given various opportunities that will enhance their learning as well as aiding them to make  memories to cherish of Cherry Fold. One of these will be their residential later in the year where they will carry out team building activities as well as trying new things. 

In Year 6, we encourage children to be resilient as well as learning to persevere when things get tough. These skills will aid them in their transition to KS3. 

We are looking forward to a fun year together of hard work and memories. 


Miss Byers, Miss Holt and Mrs Armitage

Author of the term this half term is Roald Dahl. We will be looking at some of his wonderful texts as well as learning about him as an author. 


Children will have a reading book chosen by themselves, which is appropriate to their reading level. Accompanying these books are their reading diaries, where you can write comments on their reading daily. Your child will also be given many opportunities throughout the week to read a variety of texts and will then undertake an online quiz to assess their understanding of the text.

PPA Time

Miss Byers will be teaching in class most days. On Monday afternoon, Mrs Adams will be teaching the class, looking at subjects such as: Safer net sessions and RE.  


In Year 6, children are expected to complete two pieces of homework a week.

Your child has been provided a login for the app, SATs Companion (In January). They must use their login details in order to access the English and mathematics materials that are added each week. Details about homework will be explained to the children on a Friday and the work will need to be completed for the following Friday. 

Children will receive weekly spellings as well as times tables set on TT Rock stars.


Weekly spellings have been sent out for the 6 weeks of this half term. You will find these at the front of your child's purple homework book. Homework books to be in for Thursday and will be given back out same day and spelling tests will take place every Monday morning. 


P.E. will take place on Friday in the form of swimming up until Christmas.  Please ensure that you have the correct swimming kit each week, which contains a swimming hat for anyone with shoulder length hair. 


It is important to note your child can bring a healthy snack at break times such as fruit, or vegetables and milk.  We also encourage your child to water to drink in class throughout the day, but they may bring something else to drink with their packed lunch. In addition to this, school will be providing a piece of fruit daily for each child.

Class Novel

Our Class Novel for this half term is 'The Nowhere Emporium by Ross Mackenzie. 

Amazing Americas

Our geography work for this term will be all about North and South America'. The children will be studying countries that are within the Americas, capital cities of some of the countries and be able to identify, locate and discuss features of them on various maps. They will also recap work on latitude and longitude as well as time zones and biomes. 

Crime and Punishment

Our history lessons this half term is all about Crime and Punishment. The children will be focusing their learning on how justice systems have changed over time. The children will reflect on various texts from the past and how they portray the different justice systems from medieval times to today. We will also focus on local history relating to the crimes that took place in Burnley and what punishments were given. 


Our P.S.H.E. topic for this half term will be about 'Me and My Relationships'. The children will learn all about working together, gaining positive friendships as well as how to be assertive when problems within friendship groups or different scenarios arise in the playground. 


Our R.E. topic for this half term is Christianity. We will be learning about our life as a journey and how different milestones in life are celebrated by Christians.  



We are learning all about Light in our science topic this half term. We will be carrying out scientific investigations which focus on variations in how light travels and how the human eye can see. 



Here is our Curriculum Map for Spring Term...

This is what we looked at in the Autumn Term...

 Autumn Term Curriculum Map.pdfDownload
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This year, we will be using times table rock stars as part of our homework to improve our fluency in times tables. 

Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars (

Here are our common exception words for this year...