Cherry Fold Community Primary School

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Cherry Fold Community Primary School, Cog Lane, Burnley, Lancashire BB11 5JS


Cherry Fold Community Primary School

Enjoy, Respect, Succeed

  1. Learning
  2. Classes
  3. Reception Classes

Reception Classes

Welcome to Reception, also known as the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

We are

The Smartest Giants                                                                              The Tiggers       

                               The Smartest Giant in Town : Donaldson, Julia, Scheffler, Axel: Books                                                                                       Tigger - Incredible Characters Wiki

            Huge Ideas and Enormous Attitudes                                               We bounce to success!

We follow the Cherry Fold values: Enjoy, Respect, Succeed!

Top Tip

Our top tip this week- we want to know your child's favourite memory of their time in Reception. Record it however you wish and bring it to staff for a prize! .

Here is some of what we have been doing so far in Reception!

Meet the Staff

Miss Hussain

Mrs McDonnell

Mrs Willenbrook

Miss Smith

Miss Shamshad

Miss Swindlehurst


Mrs Hyer

Mrs Veevers

Mr Caldecott  


We will help you to follow the Cherry Fold values: Enjoy, Respect and Succeed’.

During your time in Reception, you will meet and make lots of new friends, learn many new skills and grow in confidence every day.

In Reception, we have The Smartest Giants and The Tiggers classes, but we all enjoy doing our learning together, both in the classroom and outdoors. We get to visit our Forest school as well as places in our local area.

The learning environment is set up with continuous provision allowing you to access resources independently and according to your interests. We enhance provision with prompts and resources based on current topics, your passions and your next steps.

We want you to become an excellent learner and achieve your potential.

To support you on your learning journey we hope that you will get help from your parents and carers. They can do this by talking to you about your day at school, listening to you read at home and by encouraging you to practise your writing and maths activities.

We use Class Dojo to send pictures and messages home about what you have been doing and all the fantastic achievements you have made!

We want you to have fun whilst learning.

Remember Enjoy, Respect, Succeed!


Please encourage your child to hold any mark making tools in their dominant hand.

Please sing songs with your children and ensure they have a story each night before bed.

Please encourage daily counting with your child and singing number rhymes.

Independence is a key skill in Reception. Please encourage your child to put their own coat and shoes on and take it off.

Key Texts

Stories we will be reading include, The Ugly Duckling, Rumble in the Jungle and Once Upon a Slime. 

Information books about farms, habitats and mini-beasts. 


We will send home reading books for you to enjoy with your child. Please record when you have read in the reading record.

In Reception we encourage positive behaviour and talk about what is acceptable and unacceptable.

We also use a team point system and when your child receives 10 team points they will get a prize.



Happy Birthday to

Torey, Scarlett and Princess

who will turn 5 this half term.

Please check Class Dojo; we will post all information on there regularly.



PE this half term will be on a Wednesday. Your child will change into their PE kit in school. We will go to the hall and take part in games to build our fundamental skills. These are:

- Running, Throwing, Catching, Jumping, Hopping


Please ensure earrings are removed.

Topic–Animal Kingdom


Our focus for this half term is learning all about different habitats and the animals that live in them.

We will be learning about The Ugly Duckling and farm animals, Rumble in the Jungle and jungle animals and Once Upon a Slime and mini-beasts.


We continue to ask that you pay a weekly contribution of £1. This helps to pay for an additional daily snack, baking activities and any special occasions we may celebrate. You can pay this termly or weekly. Thank you.

Your child will receive subsidised milk and fruit daily.

We will continue to be working on fine and gross motor skills by using tools, writing equipment, working with playdough and in PE.

We will be using our phonics knowledge to read and write simple sentences and captions, as well as learning new sounds and tricky words in Phase 3.

In Maths we will be focusing on number composition, as well as Shape, Space and Measures.

In RE we will be learning about special stories: Why are some stories special? What special messages can we learn from stories?

Through this half term we will develop our relationships and begin to solve problems. We will listen to the ideas of other children and agree on a solution and compromise.

We will will learn to ask questions to find out more and we will talk in sentences using conjunctions, e.g. and, because.

 Reception Curriculum Map Theme Spring 1.pdfDownload
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 CHERRYFOLD READING CURRICULUM Reception 2023-24 (1).docxDownload
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 Cherryfold Progression of Skills & Curriculum Overview Reception- 2023-2024.docxDownload
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