For all children to have
- Secure knowledge and understanding of the past both local, national and worldwide.
- The skills and language to be able to make observations, make connections, comparisons, ask questions and evaluate to draw conclusions from what they see, learn and understand.
Ensuring a balance of gaining knowledge, understanding and developing enquiry skills to learn about the past including chronological understanding.
- Maximising the use of first-hand experiences and use of a range of sources to ensure the children are developing historical enquiry skills.
- Encouraging critical thinking through the interpretation of evidence
- Sequencing learning to make connections, understand cause and consequence and develop sound evaluations
- Providing a progressive, systematic building of vocabulary and concepts linking learning over time to enable the secure building of knowledge, skills and understanding
When supporting children with SEND, teachers focus on helping them to access the curriculum, in the long term, by making sure that the develop secure knowledge of important content and concepts. Support for pupils with SEND is focused on the core knowledge identified in the curriculum, and targeted support is given to make sure that they understand the most important content. Teachers regularly check this.
Children who are identified as having SEND may have specific needs and therefore adaptive and targeted support will be outlined in short-term planning. This may also be reviewed through the child’s EHCP and/ or Pupil Progress Meetings where elements of adaptation may be recommended by external agencies.
It is also important to recognise that children identified as having SEND may not always be the least able in history and could excel in the subject. Pupils’ attainment will be assessed in a subject-specific manner and based on their strengths rather than barriers.
Websites to support learning in history:
Primary History teaching resources
Horrible Histories Songs - CBBC - BBC
History Club
Join Cherry Fold's History Club. We will be learning about The Stone Age, The Romans, The Ancient Egyptians and many more interesting facts about history. The children will learn through drama, art, food tasting and discussions. They will become archaeologists and dig up clues from the past. The children will handle artefacts and create their own replicas. They will develop their skills as a historian, through asking questions, making claims and using a variety of sources.
Take a look at our learning...
Gawthorpe Hall Victorian Christmas Visit Year 1
Great Fire of London Outdoor Learning Workshop
Ribchester Roman Museum
Year 3 learnt about the difference between an artefact, object and replica. They handled artefacts and tried on replicas of soldiers armour. The children loved exploring the museum and visiting Roman ruins. It was a brilliant way to begin their learning on The Romans.
Queen Street Mill Visit Year 3
Viking Visitor Year 4
Mayan Work Shop Year 6
King Charles III Coronation Celebration
As keen historians, we understood the huge significance of witnessing King Charles III's coronation. This gave us an opportunity to delve into the past with each year group having a focus linked to their learning. Each class was gifted a class book linked to the coronation celebrations.