Cherry Fold Community Primary School

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Cherry Fold Community Primary School, Cog Lane, Burnley, Lancashire BB11 5JS


Cherry Fold Community Primary School

Enjoy, Respect, Succeed

  1. Learning
  2. Curriculum
  3. Design & Technology

Design & Technology


At Cherry Fold we aim to develop in each of its pupils practical problem solving skills that can be applied to a wide range of contexts, ability to use a range of tools, materials and equipment and progress through skills, knowledge and understanding of D&T. We hope to achieve our aims through developing D&T capability in line with the National Curriculum requirements in conjunction with the school’s D&T creative curriculum. Provide meaningful assignments that allow children to contribute through their ideas in discussions and planning when appropriate from the familiar to the unfamiliar. Provide learning situations, which reflect different social, cultural, economic, historical, environmental and moral contexts, with links to ideas and materials across the world where appropriate. The provision of a safe working environment and allow opportunities to evaluate and discuss peer produced products. Make cross-curricular links where appropriate and develop the children's knowledge of the different food groups and different healthy options.


  • Teaching and learning using a variety of styles and techniques including, discussion, feedback, peer work, practical work, investigation, real-life experience, experience of engineers, designers, architects and crafts people.
  • Subject expertise is monitored and developed through CPD opportunities, use of the 6 DT principles- (user, purpose, functionality, design decisions, innovations and authenticity) to be discussed through learning sequence and children to be aware of what they are discussing.
  • Subject expertise amongst staff will be analysed throughout the year by the subject leadership team. Staff meetings and training will be provided to staff, so that they can provide their pupils with a high-quality design and technology education. If they have weaknesses with their subject knowledge, staff will be provided throughout the year with opportunities for CPD, but also may be allocated ‘joint teaching’ time in order to share expertise throughout the school.
  • The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) document Development Matters and the Profile offer a wide variety of D&T opportunities through Expressive Arts and Design which allow children to explore texture, colour, shape, form and space, tools and design.
  • Year 1 to 6 uses a mix of the LPDS Scheme of work and personalised curriculum, these are then linked to the Target Tracker assessment statements for each year group. Short term plans will be created and delivered within the creative curriculum where appropriate. Class teachers will embed skills, vocabulary and content through projects linked to the content of each topic covered.
  • Coverage sheet for each year group with skills, themes and vocabulary to be annotated and updated as needed.
  • Previous skills, knowledge and vocabulary is discussed and assessed in each lesson/ sequence of lessons to ensure children continue to make progress and embed previously taught content.
  • Assessment through TT statements and teacher judgement (Questioning, assessment for learning, discussion, misconceptions). Updated after each sequence of teaching.
  • Technology is taught as a design skill. Technology and Computing is important as a tool for learning in D&T and Engineering and is readily available for pupils engaged in visual enquiry. All classes have appropriate software to support the teaching of D&T and Engineering, interactive white boards and digital cameras. Internet access gives further support. Electronic folders of work are kept where possible.
  • Resources to provide progression and inspiration, along with the ordering chart on the door. Orders will be placed as required. Seasonal and specialist materials are ordered where appropriate. Specialist equipment for S.E.N. will be ordered as appropriate. The Foundation Stage and all classrooms have a basic store of materials and resources with the opportunity to order more specialist resources if needed.
  • Safe handling of tools and materials is demonstrated and children are encouraged to handle tools and materials safely and sensibly at all times.
  • A set of safety guidelines for design and technology can be referred to in the Health and Safety School Policy. Risk assessments are carried out in accordance with Lancashire County Council guidelines and are available on the school server. Class teachers risk assess each activity before and during lessons.

Have you ever wondered what it is like inside an Amazon fulfilment center? These live Virtual Tours take you behind the scenes at our fulfillment centers, using a combination of live streaming, videos, and real-time Q&A to replicate the experience of our in-person tours. Virtual Tours are currently offered in English only.


Have you ever wondered how products in your online shopping cart get from Amazon to you? Have a look at this very exciting opportunity. 


                                                                                             File:Amazon logo.svg - Wikimedia Commons


Click here to find out more- 


Mystery Item

What is the item below? What is it made from? How could it be used? Have you got one at home? Can you tell an adult about the item? I wonder what ideas you will have about it.

Answers to Mrs Willenbrook!


Does you or your child have an interest in Robotocs? Have a look at these links to find out how you could explore this area of Design and Technology! 

Lego Challenges 

Why not have a go at some Lego challenges? I wonder what you will create and how you will do it. Share you ideas with your class and Mrs Willenbrook (she loves Lego). 

Engineering Awards


June 2024
Last Wednesday some of the children were invited to a celebration event in Burnley for the Primary Engineering Project answering the question, 'If you were an engineer, what would you do?' We had to think of our own ideas to solve a problem, this might be something small, at home, in our environment or in our world. We had entries from the whole school and 5 children were able to get to the award stage! There were over 71,000 entries across the project which makes the children's achievement even more special. 
Congratulations to 
Year 1
Julia  - Highly Commended
Skyla-Gray  - Winner
Year 2 
Anaya  - Winner 
Year 3 
Inaya  - Highly Commended
Year 4
Maja  - Highly Commended 
Here are some photos from the event. There were so many  Cherry Fold entries on display at the event, it made me so proud! 
A huge well done to everyone that entered!  

March 2024

Visiting Engineer! 

We were lucky enough to have a visit from an engineer, he spoke to us all about engineering and even brought a mystery item for us to discuss. 


He says, 'I had a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon at Cherry Fold School last week, talking to year groups 1-6 about the many varied roles of an engineer.  This was part of Primary Engineer’s programme entitled ‘If you were an engineer what would you do’.  We discussed the impact engineers will have had on everyday items around them in school and the children had loads of searching and relevant questions.  The pupils are an absolute credit to the school and its staff, and I would be happy to return in the future'.  Alan Reid, RTC North.

Clarissa says, 'It helped me understand what an engineer does and helped me make my design for the engineer competition'.

January 2024

Year 5 have been practising their DT skills using different resources to measure and cut up our wood with a gent saw, supported by a bench hook.

Emily said, 'it was hard to make sure the wood didn't move but I got more confident with it the more I did it'. 

 June 2023

The results are in!

A HUGE well done to all that entered, we have had so many Highly Commended, Short listed and Highly Commended awards and every entry has received a certificate. 

Drum roll please.... this year we have 2 winners and 1 highly commended who made it to the final judging panel. We had a great time seeing the other entries and giving everyone a huge cheer!

If you wish to learn more about being an engineer, why not listen to some podcasts put together by the Primary Leaders Engineering team. 

 Happy listening!

June 2023

Last week, Miss Parker's engineering club were lucky enough to be invited to a Primary Engineering celebration event. The children had the opportunity to see other schools' creations. Each child was individually interviewed about their product and the process they went through to make it before testing how well they worked. The children from our school who participated even won an award for being the "Best Communicators" in the apprentice level competition. Well done!

July 2022 

On Wednesday a group of children were invited to attend an award ceremony as they were winners of the Primary Engineering Project, 'If you were an Engineer, what would you do?'

Engineering Awards

On Wednesday a group of children were invited to attend an award ceremony as they were winners of the Primary Engineering Project, 'If you were an Engineer, what would you do?'. We had an amazing range of entries from Cherry Fold and out of 14 Burnley winners, five were from Cherry Fold. Oakley-Beau was also awarded the Special Award for his design, this may mean he is chosen for his to be design to be further developed by University of Central Lancashire (UCLan). Everyone that entered received a certificate.


Well done everyone that entered and well done to our five winners: Oakley Y1, Mason Y1, Amelia Y1, Daisie-Mae Y2, Emilija Y6.

Celebrating Ideas! 

Do you ever have a light bulb moment? An idea that pops into your brain? Send them to Mrs Moretta or Mrs Willenbrook to see their look of awe and wonder at your designs!


Below is a concept car design by Sana in Year 4, she has thought so carefully about what it will be made from, energy it will use and what it can be used for. 

DT Skill Progression

Skills and Vocabulary 

 Year 1 Progression in Design Tech and Food Tech Skills, Vocab.docxDownload
 Year 2 Progression in Design Tech and Food Tech Skills, Vocab.docxDownload
 Year 3 Progression in Design Tech and Food Tech Skills, Vocab.docxDownload
 Year 4 Progression in Design Tech and Food Tech Skills, Vocab.docxDownload
 Year 5 Progression in Design Tech and Food Tech Skills, Vocab.docxDownload
 Year 6 Progression in Design Tech and Food Tech Skills, Vocab.docxDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

DT Policy


Curriculum Maps

 Y1 Curriculum Map DT 22-23.docxDownload
 Y2 Long Term Curriculum Map DT 2022-23.docxDownload
 Y3 Curriculum Map Long Term Plan DT 2022-2023.docxDownload
 Y4 Long Term Plan Y4 DT 2022-23.docxDownload
 Y5 Curriculum LTP DT 2022-23.docxDownload
 Y6 Curriculum Map DT 2022-23.docxDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Adaptation/ Equal Opportunities

All children have access to the D&T and Engineering curriculum, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, culture or social circumstances, in line with school policy. Children with S.E.N. will have appropriate access to the curriculum through small group work and additional LSA support. More able children will encounter suitable learning challenges. Details are kept on the A.G.T. register.