Cherry Fold Community Primary School

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Cherry Fold Community Primary School, Cog Lane, Burnley, Lancashire BB11 5JS


Cherry Fold Community Primary School

Enjoy, Respect, Succeed

  1. Learning
  2. Curriculum
  3. Design & Technology

Design & Technology


For all children to have:

  • understanding of the design process and how to refine quality of outcomes at each stage.
  • a balance of skills in all the strands of DT: textiles, structures, mechanisms, electrical systems, computing and engineering.
  • Cooking and nutrition build on knowledge and understanding in science, geography, and history and develop cooking skills progressively.


-         Start with a relevant and appropriate problem to solve

-         Use a clear design process for all units is followed with clear progression in skills of: planning, exploring, communicating, making. modelling,
          reviewing and evaluating.

-         Links to wider curriculum are made where appropriate.

-         Three planned DT units per year.



Children who are identified as having SEND may have specific needs and therefore adaptive and targeted support will be outlined in short-term planning. This may also be reviewed through the child’s EHCP and/ or Pupil Progress Meetings where elements of adaptation may be recommended by external agencies.

It is also important to recognise that children identified as having SEND may not always be the least able in History and cou ld excel in the subject. Pupils’ attainment will be assessed in a subject-specific manner and based on their strengths rather than barriers.

Adapting the curriculum for pupils with SEND in DT:

  • Adaptive teaching takes place. • For sensory or physically impaired pupils, history learning may necessitate enlarging texts, using clear fonts, using visual overlays, or audio description of images. • Dyslexic pupils may benefit from well-spaced print. • Teachers identify and break down the components of the subject curriculum into manageable chunks for pupils who find learning more difficult, particularly those with cognition and learning needs. These may be smaller ‘steps’ than those taken by other pupils to avoid overloading the working memory. • A variety of additional scaffolds may be used in lessons, such vocabulary banks, additional visual stimuli or adult support.





Does you or your child have an interest in Robotics? Have a look at these links to find out how you could explore this area of Design and Technology! 

Engineering Awards


June 2024
Last Wednesday some of the children were invited to a celebration event in Burnley for the Primary Engineering Project answering the question, 'If you were an engineer, what would you do?' We had to think of our own ideas to solve a problem, this might be something small, at home, in our environment or in our world. We had entries from the whole school and 5 children were able to get to the award stage! There were over 71,000 entries across the project which makes the children's achievement even more special. 
Congratulations to 
Year 1
Julia  - Highly Commended
Skyla-Gray  - Winner
Year 2 
Anaya  - Winner 
Year 3 
Inaya  - Highly Commended
Year 4
Maja  - Highly Commended 
Here are some photos from the event. There were so many  Cherry Fold entries on display at the event, it made me so proud! 
A huge well done to everyone that entered!  

March 2024

Visiting Engineer! 

We were lucky enough to have a visit from an engineer, he spoke to us all about engineering and even brought a mystery item for us to discuss. 


He says, 'I had a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon at Cherry Fold School last week, talking to year groups 1-6 about the many varied roles of an engineer.  This was part of Primary Engineer’s programme entitled ‘If you were an engineer what would you do’.  We discussed the impact engineers will have had on everyday items around them in school and the children had loads of searching and relevant questions.  The pupils are an absolute credit to the school and its staff, and I would be happy to return in the future'.  Alan Reid, RTC North.

Clarissa says, 'It helped me understand what an engineer does and helped me make my design for the engineer competition'.

January 2024

Year 5 have been practising their DT skills using different resources to measure and cut up our wood with a gent saw, supported by a bench hook.

Emily said, 'it was hard to make sure the wood didn't move but I got more confident with it the more I did it'.