Cherry Fold Community Primary School

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Cherry Fold Community Primary School, Cog Lane, Burnley, Lancashire BB11 5JS


Cherry Fold Community Primary School

Enjoy, Respect, Succeed

  1. Learning
  2. Curriculum
  3. English

English Curriculum


At Cherry Fold Community Primary School, English is at the heart of the curriculum as we believe that reading and writing are key life skills. Through language, story and text, we will help children develop the skills and knowledge they need to enable them to convey meaning orally and write creatively. Our English curriculum will allow children to read with accuracy, speed, confidence, fluency and understanding, to prepare them for the next stage in their learning journey to become life long learners.

 Literacy is central to children’s intellectual, emotional and social development so it has an essential role across our curriculum and helps pupils’ learning to be coherent and progressive.

 We place a heavy emphasis on developing children’s vocabulary. By the time children leave Cherry Fold in Year 6, the limited word bank they arrived with in Reception will have grown considerably, giving them the language they need to understand more complicated texts and express themselves in a variety of contexts.


English in the EYFS is taught through Development Matters. At Cherry Fold we understand that language is the foundation of children's thinking and learning. Therefore, development matters supports the teaching and learning of; listening, attention, understanding, speaking, comprehension, word reading and writing including early learning goals. 


 3 I's Overview Document.pdfDownload
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In all year groups, we teach writing through high-quality texts – ranging from picture books in Reception to more complicated novels in KS2. Children are constantly immersed in real-life experiences to enrich their writing opportunities. Children will develop competence in transcription (spelling and handwriting) and composition (articulating ideas and structuring them in speech and writing).

Children will write a variety of  genres using quality fiction and non-fiction texts. 

Please see the overview of the English curriculum map for each year group below:

Progression in Learning 

 Key Learning in Reading KS1 Year 1 and 2.pdfDownload
 Progression in Reading KS2 Year 5 and 6.pdfDownload
 Progression in Reading Year 3 and 4.pdfDownload
 Progression in spelling KS1 Year 1 and 2.pdfDownload
 Progression in Spelling KS2 Year 5 and 6.pdfDownload
 Progression in spelling year 3 and 4.pdfDownload
 Progression in writing KS1 Year 1 and 2.pdfDownload
 Progression in Writing KS2 Year 5 and 6.pdfDownload
 Progression in writing Year 3 and 4.pdfDownload
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Talk for Writing

At Cherry Fold Primary we believe talk for writing is an innovative approach to the teaching of writing. It uses high quality model texts to introduce the children to different stories/text types which they then learn off by heart. Take a look at Year 2F engaged in their retelling. 

Spoken Language

Our children develop their spoken language across all areas of the curriculum and is an area of focus from when they enter school in Nursery/Reception. They are regularly given opportunities to practise spoken language and listening skills through daily English lessons aswell as a range of activities, including drama and performance.

Reading Fluency

In Year 2FV they were thinking about purpose and audience for writing. The children wrote a set of instructions to better Mrs Moretta's baking skills so they invited her into class to make Lancashire Chorley Cakes. They had been working hard all week to write a set of clear instructions using time adverbs, ly ending words and adjectives. Not to mention all of the vocabulary they included. The children became ‘the bosses’ and instructed Mrs Moretta clearly. Well done Y2!

Wonderful writing from Reception to Year 6.

Governors Writing Competition Winners 


 English Policy 2023 .pdfDownload
 Handwriting Policy September 2022.pdfDownload
 Handwriting Progression Document 1-6.pdfDownload
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World Book Day at Cherry Fold 


At Cherry Fold we understand that reading is fundamental therefore we want all children at Cherry Fold to develop a life-long love of reading. Proficiency in reading, writing and spoken language is vital for pupils' success.

The journey of reading begins in our nursery class from enjoying and sharing books, exploring songs and rhyme, tuning into sounds around us, listening and remembering sounds. 

Phonics lessons are taught using Red Rose Letters and Sounds from Phase 1 through to Year 2 spelling. Tailored interventions support children across school who have not yet reached the expected standard at the end of Key Stage 1. Guided reading workshops focus on word reading and language comprehension. 

Teachers read a variety of quality texts regularly with the children daily. Each class has an inviting reading area where the children can go and read for pleasure. These include a range of topic books, fiction, non fiction and poetry. 

We timetable a daily 20 minute slot for independent reading. During this time, staff listen to children on a 1:1 basis. In Reception and Key Stage One, home reading books are closely matched to learners' phonics knowledge. In Key Stage Two children follow the accelerated reading program. 

We have a fantastic library within school and the children have plenty of opportunities to visit. Our library is open from 8.30am for children to share a book with a family member or carer. We have a dedicated team of school librarians who share their love for reading with children across school.

English in EYFS

Take a look at our fabulous school library. 

Our class reading corners 

Word Count Winners  

Each week we launch our Word Count Competition, the class announced with the most words wins a prize.  Children can also gain a prize each week for achieving 100% on their Accelerated Reading quiz, winners are drawn out from our treasure chest each week in assembly.  Finally, children can gain Accelerated Reader certificates each time they reach their next level of target points and badges awarded for the amount of words they have read, 250,000 – Bronze, 500,000 Silver, 1 million – Gold.

Word Millionaires 

Meet the children who read more than a million words in a year. Mrs Moretta had the pleasure in taking these children to 'What's for dessert?'  for all their efforts with reading. 

Author of the term- 

Roald Dahl 

Alongside this, we have regular author visits, books fairs and World Book Day – one of the highlights of the year! 

World Book Day 2024